A vintage map of India and surrounding oceans suits as a backdrop for a flower and bird scenery, perfect for nature lovers, travelers and adventurer and all who suffers from wanderlust. This wallpaper features an intricate, ancient map that draws you to a begone era and into an exciting journey to exotic destinations. Immerse yourself in the allure of a tropical garden with cockatoo birds, as it appears to grow organically across every longitude and latitude. Ideal for those who love exploring, this wallpaper takes you on a voyage without leaving your room. Experience the fusion of geography and tropical flora and fauna with every glance, transporting you into both land and sea journeys. Embellish your walls and fuel your wanderlust with this mural and it will not only please you in your own home but will also be loved by customers and guests in your shop, bar, restaurant or hotel
![Cockatoos Tropical Journey Floral Map Pink wallpaper roll](https://happywall-statix.imgix.net/rooms/16.jpg?w=767&h=1152&fit=min&crop=right&auto=format&q=50&blend64=aHR0cHM6Ly9oYXBweXdhbGwtaW1nLWdhbGxlcnkuaW1naXgubmV0L3dhbGxwYXBlci5qcGc_dz03NjcmaD0xMTUyJmZpdD1jcm9wJmJsZW5kNjQ9YUhSMGNITTZMeTlvWVhCd2VYZGhiR3d0YVcxbkxXZGhiR3hsY25rdWFXMW5hWGd1Ym1WMEx6azNPREU0TDJOdlkydGhkRzl2YzE5MGNtOXdhV05oYkY5cWIzVnlibVY1WDJac2IzSmhiRjl0WVhCZmNHbHVhMTlrYVhOd2JHRjVMbXB3Wno5M1BUTXhPU1pvUFRnMU9TWm1hWFE5WTNKdmNDWmpjbTl3UFdObGJuUmxjaVV5UTJObGJuUmxjaVppYkdWdVpDMWpiMnh2Y2owd01EQXdNREFtWW14bGJtUXRiVzlrWlQxdGRXeDBhWEJzZVNaaWJHVnVaQzFoYkhCb1lUMHhKbUp5YVQwMkpuTmhkRDB4TUNaeFBUazUmYmxlbmQtbW9kZT1ub3JtYWwmYmxlbmQteT0yOTImYmxlbmQteD0zNDc%3D&blend-mode=multiply&mark64=aHR0cHM6Ly9oYXBweXdhbGwtc3RhdGl4LmltZ2l4Lm5ldC9yb29tcy8xNi5wbmc_dz03NjcmaD0xMTUyJmZpdD1taW4mY3JvcD1yaWdodCZhdXRvPWZvcm1hdCZxPTUw&mark-x=0&mark-y=0&q=50&auto=format)
Einfach zu installieren
Sie werden überrascht sein, wie einfach es ist, Cockatoos Tropical Journey Floral Map Pink tapete zu mounten
Nicht gewebt
Cockatoos Tropical Journey Floral Map Pink tapete besteht aus Vliesstoff. Jede Platte ist 50 cm breit
Benutzerdefinierte Wandgröße
Cockatoos Tropical Journey Floral Map Pink tapete kann für Ihre Wand angepasst werden. Sie bestimmen die genaue Größe und wie Sie es zuschneiden möchten.
Die Produktion verwendet umweltfreundliche Tinten und das Material ist PVC-frei